Hale Kilinahe: The Journal

NOVEMBER 17, 1997

Today is the most important day of my life.

I'm getting married today; to be precise, in about two hours. It's just what Ryan calls a "paperwork wedding" (the real thing comes in April) but somehow, I stll can't quite believe it. I've been waiting twenty-five years, and now it's here. When I have my child in January, it'll be my first, and just as you only have one first child, I will only marry once. This will be our last Christmas alone. It's all going so fast that it takes my breath away. Next time I turn around, my child will be sixteen. And when I turn back again, she'll be married.

I also wonder if being married will be any different from just living together like a married couple as Ryan and I have done. We've been a married couple in every respect except on paper for years now. I hope it's not different. I hope I can keep at least some semblance of normalcy until the baby arrives.

I _really_ hope that when I get back to work tomorrow, they've gotten someone to take my place as a clerk. I want to start doing this job already. I can't stand to have everything sort of half-done.


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