Hale Kilinahe: The Journal

MARCH 30, 1998

So we went to church yesterday.

I was feeling grateful for winning the Life Lottery--cool baby, nice husband, et al. I happened to notice a very nice Catholic church right down the street. Now, I haven't been since Christmas of '92. If you're not Catholic, you probably don't know, but Catholic churches at Christmas are just amazing. Incense and chants and the whole thing. That's what I really miss about church. So symbolic and dramatic. It's sort of comforting. I guess it brings me back to my childhood.

You know what ticks me off? Call me a haole--the way people dress for church around here. You don't wear Bongo shorts to church. Screw cultural relativism--it just isn't done, period. Wear a dress. Show some respect.

Hold the presses--Katie is teething. I guess it's pretty early. Sort of unusual, but not unheard of. She was really unhappy all day. She cried almost constantly and when I tried to feed her, she just cried harder. So I fished around in her mouth to see if I could find a telltale bump, and lo and behold... I just hope for her sake it's over quickly. It can take from a day to a month.


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