[ Composition Book - Scrawlings of a mom in paradise. ]

April 11, 2004
I want a sweater with love in the stitches
« February 16, 2004 | Main | September 03, 2004 »

Cameraphone quickies...
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Easter. Once again, I am a bad Catholic. Although I actually made it to church twice during lent this time. Perhaps I will abstain for meat next year, when I'm not pregnant. Caffeine? God help me. You know, I'm good about laying off of most everything while I'm pregnant. Sweets? Don't really have them in the house anyway. Raw fish? Not much of an opportunity to get my hands on any. Booze? Wine gives me a headache and beer gives me gas. Anything harder makes me grouchy. Soda?

When you pry the can out of my cold, dead hands.

The only other vice I have is music.

So my new iPod comes in handy.

I love my iPod. The day I discovered how to rip songs off my CD's and put them on my iPod was about the happiest day of my life. Now nobody but me has to know about my awful taste in music. The wonderful earphones can keep all my Winger mp3's a secret.

What else?

I'm not queasy anymore. I'm eating everything in sight. It's a little embarassing, to be seen finishing my food and then stealing some from Katie's plate. Somehow, like with Zac, I've actually lost weight, since I felt too sick to eat at first. The funny thing about the queasiness is that there's a mental component. It seems to me that whatever I try to eat those first few weeks end up being the things I'm totally adverse to the rest of my pregnancy.


My folks were here last month. My dad has had a really rough year, health-wise. He had to have a knee replaced, plus more abdominal surgery. He's feeling better, though. He's even lost about 70 pounds. So they managed to get out and have fun.

That is, when they weren't babysitting for my brother. Don't know how they were roped into that. I'm certain they didn't volunteer to babysit on their vacation. Which means he (or my sister-in-law) asked them to, which begs the question: who the hell does she think she is? She avoids them like the plague when they're not here, but they show up, and ta da! Aren't grandparents wonderful!

in the ear: Kiss You When it's Dangerous by Eight Seconds

What else?

  • Anybody watch CSI? Is it me, or has it gotten really super hard to watch with all the gory stuff? It seems like they've stepped it up quite a bit. At least they didn't pursue the Grissom and Sidle thing like I thought they would.
  • took Katie to see Home on the Range today. Yay, flatulence! Eh. It was okay. They even made Steve Buscemi look like himself. Anything with Buscemi can't be bad.
  • Oh, our anniversary! Our anniversary was great. Ten years. Wow. We went out to dinner. Would have gone to the Dixie Grill, but now I'm paranoid about Zac and shellfish, so we did Big City Diner instead.


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