[ Composition Book - Scrawlings of a mom in paradise. ]

October 02, 2004
I have a warrant for your toenails
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I've been getting migraines again since Alex was born.

I've been getting them since I was a kid. Their frequency peaked when I was in my teens. They pretty much went away completely after Zac was born, but now I'm getting them again; still pretty infrequently but often enough to be annoying.

I had one yesterday. It started out as a mild stress-ish headache but it migrated. That happens sometimes. My migraines are always in this spot between my left eye and my nose. I can handle pretty much any kind of headache, but if it finds its way to that spot, don't even bother talking to me for three or so hours.

We were going out to the park to meet Katie's school friend and her mom. Katie's on vacation from school, so I've been calling moms all around, arranging playtimes for her so she doesn't get lonely. I was on the train to migraineland just before we left to meet her friend and took an antihistimine in the hopes that would at least make it ease up a little bit.

No such luck.

It was horrible. By the end of the five-minute walk to Katie's school playground, I was in paaaaaaaain. Migraines don't feel as bad as labor, but I'd seriously prefer labor to a migraine.

So I politely and apologetically told the mom I wasn't feeling well; that I really needed to lie down and called for Katie, and she went apeshit. I've never seen her so pissed off. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her friend looked a little afraid; I wanted to disappear. I nearly had to drag her behind me.

Then I tripped. On a crack in the m.f.-in sidewalk. And fell on my ass.

In short, I sprained my big toe. I've been limping around all day. I have this bizarre history with my feet. I have to tell you about that sometime.

But my day yesterday did get better. Zac hugged me and said "sowwy, mom" shortly after we got home. I swear, he's the sweetest kid.


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