[ Aside - Thoughtlets on everything and nothing. ]

January 21, 2005
overheard, part 2
« January 10, 2005 | Main | February 22, 2005 »

In the steam room at the 24 Hour Fitness in Mililani:
Large older man, in heavily Italian-accented English, greets a youngish local guy. I can't see anything, since it's the steam room, so I'm guessing the first guy is large and the second guy in youngish just by their voices. And I'm sort of paraphrasing.

Large man: So, did you ever find your pants the other night?

Young man: (laughs) yes, I did.

LM: That's so funny! I was asking myself "how did he ever lose his pants?".

YM: (pauses) I just...

LM: you just did.

YM: I guess I left them behind. I found them in the locker room.

LM: Oh, good.

YM: But my underwear was missing.

LM: Someone stole your underwear?

YM: It's okay, though. I buy cheap underwear. I go to Ross.


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